
Jyri Kullamaa

Jyri Kullamaa

Plastiikkakirurgian erikoislääkäri Jyri Kullamaa

Plastikkirurg, specialområde bröstoperationer och ansiktslyft.
Jyri Kullamaa talar bra finska, engelska, estniska och ryska.

Curriculum Vitae


28.-29.04.2017: 5th International Breast Symposium, Düsseldorf (IBSD), Germany

01.-03.06.2017: Beauty Through Science 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

22.-24.06.2017: 2nd Marbella Marbella International Plastic Surgery Summer School, Spain

19.-22.10.2017: Advanced aesthetic blepharoplasty, midface and face contouring 2017, Russia

30.11-02.12.2017: The Aston Baker Cutting Edge Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, ”Advanced Rejuvenation of the Face, Breast & Body”, New York, USA


23.-27.10: ISAPS 2016, 23rd congress, Kyoto, Japan


12.-13.11.2015: Per Heden Master class training, Akademi kliniken, Sweden

15.-17.11.2015: Breast and Lipo training, Düsseldorf, Germany


09.-11.4.2014: Lipofilling and lipotransfer, Florence Nightingale Krankenhaus, Germany

25.4.2014: Nagor training, Helsinki, Finland

01.-03.11.2014: Bodylift, Copenhagen, Denmark

04.-06.11.2014: Breast reduction course, Dusseldorf, Germany


10.-12.04.2013: Düsseldorf,Germany. Plastic surgery unit hands on training. Breast surgery

29.-31.05.2013: Beauty Trough science, Akademikliniken, Stockholm, Sweden

27.-28.8.2013: ISAPS plastiikkakirurgien kongressi Cannesissa 16.-19.9.2013: Nagor rintaimplanttikoulutus, Iso-Britannia

13.-17.11.2013: Saksa, Medienhafen. Breast surgery, facial rejuvenation


04.-08.09.2012: Plastiikkakirurgien ISAPS kongressi Sveitsissä

08.-11.2012: Düsseldorf,Germany. Plastic surgery unit Specialist training. Breast surgery


26.-27.04.2011: ISAPS Course, The scientific program include all aspects of aesthetic surgery focusing on facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, breast surgery, body contouring and noninvasive applications, Timisoara-Romania

29.04.2011: Fatt transfer procedures, Riga, Latvia

04.-06.06.2011: ISAPS Course, new and most exciting aspects of aesthetic plastic surgery; breast surgery, body contouring etc, St. Petersburg, Russia

09.-11.06.2011: ISAPS Course, Akademiklinikens seventh international Beauty Through Science Meeting 2011, the latest development in; Aesthetic Breast Surgery, Non-surgical Treatments, Facial Aesthetic Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden


06-09.4.2010: Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany

13.-15.5.2010: Allergan, Breast master class, Antalya

14.-18.08.2010: International Society of aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), 20 th congress, San Francisco

28-31.3.2010: Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany


2009 March: Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany

2009 June: Aesthetic meeting and training in Riga, Latvia

2009 June: Beauty Through Science Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden


10.-13.02.2008: Melbourne Australia, Intrenational Society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery, 19th congress

2008 March: Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany

2008 October: Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany

2008 November: 2nd International Symmetria Meeting, Athens, Greece


18.-20.01.2007: ECAA 2007, Eurasian congress in aesthetic & anti-aging medicine, Bangkok, Thailand

17.-20.10.2007: 60th International Course, Advances in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Barcelona


2006 January: Twenty-Second Annual Breast Surgery Symposium, Atlanta, USA

2006 March: ISAPS Cape Town Instructional Course on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, South Africa

2006 March: Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany

12.-14.10.2006: The fourth International Plastic Surgery Course, facial rejuvenation and mammaplasty, Ekaterinburg, Russia.

25.10.2006 Specialist training course for the use of Teosyl


2005 February: Tartu University,dept.of General and plastic surgery, Estonia

2005 March: Plastic surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany

28.11- 2.12.2005: Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä, Finland


2004 March: ISAPS Postgraduate Course ” Proceedings in Aesthetic Surgery”, Berlin, Germany

2004 September: First Budapest Aesthetic Surgery Symposium


16.-18.05.2003: International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery in Nice, France

12.06.2003: Nose and Breast Surgery Training in the Stomatology Institute of Riga Stradinð University, Latvia

21.06.2003: ACW 2003. Course of Liposuction, Fat Transplantation and uses of Botulinum Toxin Injectable Filling agents in Paris, France


2002 January: IMCAS International Master Course of Ageing Skin in Paris, France

2002 March: Breast Surgery Seminar in Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland

2002 May: Perlane, Restylane, Q-Med (Sweden), Tallinn

2002 May: International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress in Istanbul, Turkey 2002 August: Botox Training in Riga, Latvia

2002 September: Mustamae Hospital, general surgery

2002 September: Special Sourse of Breast Surgery in Düsseldorf Deaconial Hospital, Germany

2004- Fertilitas private hospital, The head of plastic surgeons of the plastic surgery unit, Tallinn

2004- has participated in refresher courses of The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

2003-2010 Laatukirurgia Finland Oy

1999-2002 Laatukirurgia quality surgery Finland TMI

2000 Member and secretary of The Estonian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

1996-2004 Nomme private hospital, The head of plastic surgeons of the plastic surgery unit, Tallinn

1994-1996 Surgery Department of Järve Hospital

1994 Helsinki University Central Hospital, The unit of plastic surgery, Helsinki

1992-1993 FALX Clinic of Plastic Surgery

1992- has participated in refresher courses of The European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)

1990- Member of Baltic Association of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery

1989-1992 Tallinn Medical Centre of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

1989 Moscow Institute of Cosmetic Surgery

1988-1989 Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Mustamäe Hospital

1982-1988 Faculty of Medicine of Tartu University

1982 Tallinn Secondary School No 46

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