Andre Trudnikovin erikoisalana ovat lihavuusleikkaukset eli bariatriset leikkaukset (mm. mahalaukun ohitusleikkaukset).
Andre Trudnikov suorittaa Plastiikkakirurgia Finestin potilaiden laihdutusleikkaukset. Hän puhuu hyvin viroa, venäjää ja englantia.
Secondary education: High School no 26 of Tallinn
Higher education: Tartu University Department of Medicine 1985-1991
1991-1993 Tallinn Emergency Hospital; doctor- intern
1991-1993 Tallinn Emergency Hospital ER
1994-1996 Tallinn General VEK; doctor- expert
1993-2003 Tallinn Mustamäe Hospital; I Surgery Department; general surgeon 2003- ….. East Tallinn Central Hospital; Head of 2nd surgery department
2009-…… East Tallinn Central Hospital; Head of General Surgery Center
Since 2005 additional specialization in endoscope
In the year 2000, I was ascribed 1st category in general surgery
“Laparoscopic extraction of retroperitoneal neurofibroma” A. Trudnikov, T.Ümarik, H. Ruus, I. Kaur. 9th Conference of European Endoscopic surgery- thesis “Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: case report” O.Tammik, A,Trudnikov. 15th World Congress of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists- thesis
“Overview of surgical treatment of morbid obesity” A.Trudnikov, O. Tammik LegeArtis
“Multisided approach to the quality and security of surgical activities”
Seminar for anesthesiologists an Intensive care unit doctors at East Tallinn Central Hospital.
“The treatment of a patient with severe multiple trauma“ Seminar at East Tallinn Central Hospital
“Surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis“ Seminar at east Tallinn Central Hospital “Overview of surgical treatment of morbid obesity in Estonia“ Baltic Bariatric Symposium
“Overview of surgical treatment of morbid obesity in Estonia“ Baltic Association of Surgeons Congress
Seminar on pancreatitis in Tallinn
Conference on bariatric surgery in Tallinn
Seminar on laparoscopic hernia repair in Tallinn
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery, 2.04.2001, Sweden
3rd congress of Baltic Association of Surgeons, 23-25.05.2001, Lithuania
9th European Congress of Endoscopic surgery, 13-16.2001, Holland
10th European Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 2-5.06.2002, Portugal
Acute pancreatitis, 28.02.200, Estonia
The use of staplers in gastrointestinal surgery, 21.03.2003, Estonia
Gastric cancer and large bowel cancer, 17.10.2003, Estonia
Alajäseme Venoossed Haavandid, 5.03.2004, Estonia
Laparoscopic Visceral surgery, 10-12.03.2004, Germany
Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease, 31.03.2004, Estonia
12th European Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 9-12.06.2004, Spain
Severe pain and pain management, 28.09.2004, Estonia
19th World congress of gastrointestinal surgery, 8-11.12.2004, Japan
Conference of electric and laser surgery, 11.03 2005, Estonia
13th Estonian Surgeons Spring Conference, 20.05.2005, Estonia
13th European Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 1-4.06.2005, Italy
Rectal cancer, 1.06.2005, Italy
Radical laparoscopic prostatectomy, 05-07.10.2005, Germany
15th World congress of Surgeons and gastroenterologists, 07-10.09.2005, Czech Republic
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, 25.11.2005, Estonia
The treatment of a patient with Acute pancreatitis at surgery clinic or internal medicine department?, 15.02 2006, Estonia
16th World congress of Surgeons and gastroenterologists, 25-27.05 2006 Spain 14th Estonian Surgeons Spring Conference, 2.06.2006, Estonia
10th World Congress of Endoscopic surgery, 13-16.09.2006, Germany
5th Congress of Baltic Association of Surgery, 5-7.10.2006, Estonia
Seminar on bariatric surgery, 10-11.11.2006, Slovenia
World Congress of Surgery, 26-30.08.2007, Canada
17th World congress of Surgeons and gastroenterologists, 05-08.09.2007, Romania Conference on bariatric surgery, 16.02.2007, Estonia
Baltic endoscopy seminar, 3-4.05.2007, Estonia
Seminar on laparoscopic bowel surgery, 27.04.2007, Estonia
Mayo Clinic days in Lithuania, 10.-11-05.2007, Lithuania
15th Estonian Surgeons Spring Conference, 25-26.05.2007, Estonia
Seminar on breast cancer surgery, 27.08.2007, Canada
Baltic Bariatric Symposium, 14.03.2008, Lithuania
Seminar on surgical treatment of Bowel cancer, 27.03.2008, Lithuania
Laparoscopic treatment of inguinal and incisional hernia, 07-09.04.2008, Belgium 21st European Congress on Surgical Infections, 01-03.05.2008, Turkey
16th Estonian Surgeons Spring Conference, 23.05.2008, Estonia
16th European Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 11-14.06.2008, Sweden
American Society for Colon and Rectum Surgeons, 02.-05.05., 2009
USA 17th Estonian Surgeons Spring Conference, 08.-09.05.2009, Estonia
6th Congress of Baltic Association of Surgeons, 22.-24-05.2009, Lithuania International Surgical Week, 06.-10.09.2009, Australia
World Association of Surgeons
Estonian Doctors Association
Estonian Surgeons Association
Tallinn Surgeons Society
Estonian association of gastrointestinal endoscopy