Protruding ears can be a source of embarrassment for children and adults alike. Ear reshaping surgery is a straightforward procedure. Most patients are children aged between four and fourteen, however ear surgery on adults is also possible.
Skin and cartilage are removed from behind the ears. Ears are then sculpted to bend back towards the head. Stitches will be used to help maintain the new shape with the incision marks cleverly concealed in the natural crease behind the ear.
You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. It is important for you to provide complete information. Be prepared to discuss why you want the surgery, your expectations and desired outcome. We will also discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment and talk about the likely outcomes and any risks or potential complications. We provide you with additional pre – and postoperative instructions.
The surgery is done as an inpatient in Estonia´s finest private hospital which provides round the clock care. Our patients have full board and rooms with all comforts (toilet, shower, TV, alarm clock). We offer our customers a complete package. We arrange the round-trip ticket between Helsinki and Tallinn, transport from the ferry port to the hospital and back. The price also includes 1 night at the hospital, complete care, anesthesia, surgery, medications and aftercare services at the Helsinki office, such as counseling, removal of sutures and follow-up care.
You will meet your surgeon at the hospital. The surgery takes place shortly after your discussion with the surgeon. It is very important not to eat or drink anything (not even water, gum or mints) for a minimum of 6 hours prior to surgery. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Routine ear surgery usually takes about 30-60 minutes. Most patients are usually up and about within a couple of hours.
A full head bandage will be used to support your ears in their new position for at least 10 days. Your ears may throb a little for a few days, but this will be relieved with medication. Stitches are usually removed, or will dissolve, in about a week. The recovery time is fairly short for this procedure, most adults can go back to work around 2-10 days after surgery.
Ear reshaping costs – 1 ear 1 800 €, 2 ears 2 400 €.
The price includes everything except the examinations that are required prior the operation.