
Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck

Women and men who have loose abdominal skin and fat that is concentrated in the abdomen can benefit from abdominoplasty. Sometimes these conditions are inherited. In other instances, substantial weight loss may cause abdominal skin to become flaccid.

You may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty if you have one or more of the following conditions: excess or sagging abdominal skin, an abdomen that protrudes and is out of proportion to the rest of your body, abdominal muscles that have been separated and weakened. Abdominoplasty will enhance your body contour by making your abdomen firmer and flatter.

Before the operation you have to get lab testing. Before the surgery a full medical assessment (including blood work and ECG in some cases ) will be carried out in order to determine your general health and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.

To tighten the abdominal wall, the surgeon brings loose underlying tissue and muscle together with sutures. Abdominal skin is pulled downward, and the excess is removed. A small opening is made to bring the navel through. The procedure may somewhat improve the appearance of stretch marks, especially those located below the navel. Any remaining stretch marks may be somewhat flattened and improved, but you should not expect a dramatic change in their appearance.

Individual factors and personal preferences will determine the specific technique selected to smooth and flatten your abdomen. Generally, a horizontal incision is placed just within or above the pubic area. The length of the incision, which extends laterally towards the pelvic bones, depends largely on the amount of skin that is being removed. The contour of this incision will vary somewhat according to the structure of your abdomen. Your plastic surgeon will try to keep the incision within your bathing suit lines, but this may not always be possible. Some patients have loose skin above the navel. In such cases, the surgeon may make a second incision around the navel so that the redundant skin above it can be pulled down. The excess abdominal skin is then removed. The position of the navel remains unchanged.


You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This will include information about any medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments you have received, pregnancies, previous surgeries and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information. Be prepared to discuss in the consultation reasons for you opting for this surgery (why you want the surgery, )your expectations and desired outcome. We will also discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment and talk about the likely outcomes of abdominoplasty and any risks or potential complications. In addition we take photographs for your medical record. We will provide you with additional pre – and postoperative instructions. Once you are certain that abdominoplasty is right for you, you may schedule surgery several days or weeks from the time of your consultation to assure you have had enough time to understand and accept all aspects of the surgery.

The surgery is performed as an inpatient in Estonia´s finest private hospital which provides round the clock care.. Our patients have full board and rooms with all comforts (toilet, shower, TV, alarm clock). We offer our customers a complete package. We arrange the round-trip ticket between Helsinki and Tallinn, transport from the ferry port to the hospital and back. The price also includes 2 nights at the hospital,, complete care, anesthesia, surgery, medications and aftercare services at the Helsinki office, such as counseling, removal of sutures and follow-up care.

You will meet your plastic surgeon at the hospital. Your plastic surgeon may examine your abdomen while you are standing. Your skin tone and the degree of loose skin in the abdominal region will be assessed. Your surgeon will also evaluate the amount of excess fat in your abdomen and the condition of your abdominal muscles. The operation takes place shortly after your discussion with the surgeon. It is very important not to eat or drink anything (not even water, gum or mints) for a minimum of 6 hours prior to surgery. A general anesthetic is administered, so that you will be asleep throughout the procedure. The surgery takes approximately 2 hours to complete. When surgery is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored. Gauze or other dressings may be applied to your abdomen and covered with tape or an elastic bandage.

The day after surgery, you will be encouraged to get out of bed for short walks to promote blood circulation. Although you may not be able to stand up completely straight, it is best if you do not sit for long periods of time during the first several days. Straining, bending and lifting must be avoided, since these activities might cause increased swelling or even bleeding. You may be instructed to sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees. You will stay in the hospital for 2 nights.

You will notice swelling and bruising, which is to be expected. The bruising and much of the swelling will disappear over a period of weeks. However, it may be months before all the swelling subsides which is when you see the final result of your abdominoplasty. You may also notice some numbness over portions of the abdominal area, and this may persist for several months. Incisions will initially be red or pink in color. They will remain this way for many months following surgery and may even appear to worsen before they finally begin to fade. It is important to realize, however, that the incision lines will be permanently visible. It is important to realize that recovery varies greatly among individuals. the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals. Depending on the extent of your abdominoplasty and your general physical condition, you may be able to return to non-strenuous work anywhere from one to three weeks after surgery. In many instances, you can resume most of your normal activities, including some form of mild exercise, after a few weeks. You may continue to experience some mild, periodic discomfort and swelling during this time, but such feelings are normal.

You will be instructed to wear a support garment for 4 weeks. Generally, stitches will be removed in approximately 2 weeks. You will see our co-operation partner for a follow-up visit after 6 months postoperative. If you have questions or concerns during your recovery, or need additional information at a later time, you should contact us.

Support garment

For the best results, Plastikakirurgia Finest advises every customer to purchase a second support garment from the Nagor implant import company. They can be bought from the importer’s online store. It is important to invest in the correct support garment.


Our co-operation partners offer our patients safe postoperative care, such as suture removal, counseling and follow-up appointments.

As with any surgery, abdominoplasty does have some risks and complications associated with it. The complications are rare, but for safety reasons, all our patients get a mobile phone number, from where our patients can reach us anytime. In Helsinki we have a co-operating surgeon, who is able to do extra check-ups if needed and to prescribe prescriptions.


An abdonimoplasty – Tummy-tuck costs 4 350 €.

The price includes everything except the examinations that are required prior the surgery.

Book a free consultation
+358 44 539 6453

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